We encourage our engineering team to actively participate in continuous training, ensuring their own professional development to maintain their quality servicing and maintenance skills in a fast-growing industry. This commitment from our team allows us to uphold our promise of engineering excellence for our clients.


Identifying that experience and training is the key to reliability and client confidence, Anord Mardix has invested into a custom built, in-house training facility. In addition to the new facility, the company has put together a curriculum for our apprentices and engineers with a number of different modules, with task sheets and practical lessons to drive the knowledge home.

This ‘training matrix’ can be tailored to specific engineers' needs, to an entire cohort of engineers, or even for the company’s entire installation and service department if necessary.


While our engineering team already operate to a very high standard, we provide further training and development essential to our engineers’ skill development.

We also offer our apprentices a unique learning opportunity – to become part of the Anord Mardix engineering team and learn alongside experienced service and maintenance engineers, in a controlled training environment. Our apprentices will be taught how to navigate common problems and learn how to overcome them, whilst meeting more experienced members of the team and building connections that will last throughout their career.


Our training facility is always supervised by the best in the industry, so that our engineers, no matter their skill level, can always better their abilities.

A combination of a great Service Level Agreement with Anord Mardix and a well-trained site team is always going to be the most reliable way to keep your critical power system working at its very best.


Anord Mardix Site Service Engineers are asked to complete a wide range of different Electrical and Mechanical tasks, through varying training approaches, each dependent on the individual's needs or the unique modules set out. This provides the flexibility to ensure each engineer receives the correct training in the correct surroundings.


Through the Anord Mardix training centre, engineers learn in a controlled and safe environment, from providing site acceptance training to secondary injection testing. Controlled training allows fully qualified engineers and apprentices alike the opportunity to be given fresh training in switchgear and panel switchboards, IBAR, circuit breakers, and power distribution units.


Training is then continued on-site, learning in the real world as part of an installation team, delivering, positioning and working on the interconnection of switchgear, as well as any task that cannot satisfactorily be conducted in a classroom-based environment.


To support the controlled and onsite training, Anord Mardix has also established a mentoring system where student engineers can work with a supervisor or technical manager for a number of weeks, assessed against bespoke training modules.

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